
Finally, I have started.

That’s something I say to myself a lot. Beginning is the hardest part when I’m writing. Ideas bounce around my mind for hours, days, sometimes weeks or months, before I put down the first words. I think through scenes, paragraphs, even imagine characters entire interactions before I reach the point where I’m brave enough to write those first words.

It’s the same with writing this blog. For a long time I have thought about it – creating a place I could write, and talk about my writing and about being an unknown author in general. Why today? After a month of travelling and a break from work, I was driving home when the idea reappeared in my mind. A blog title (Novel Unknown) and a free evening to set it all up, and here we are.

Who knows what this blog will, or won’t, one day hold. As of right now, it’s new, exciting and unknown, as are all my projects (of which there have been many) when I start. But if you’re ready to join me on the adventure of writing this, and my other projects, then follow me and we’ll go along together. I promise to try to keep it interesting.